MACKENZIE GRANT – An interview with the artist

Nashville-based singer, songwriter and classically trained pianist MACKENZIE GRANT has returned to music after a 15-year break with her new full-length “Wonder World”. Discover more in this heart-felt interview.
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HAGANE – An Interview with UYU

During the pandemic, HAGANE have release their third single “SuperVillain”. And, this was a reason enough to organize something for satisfy my (and your) endless curiosity over the Japanese metal scene. Enjoy!
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MOONLIGHT HAZE – Intervista con la band

Sono bastati due soli anni ai Moonlight Haze per tornare in pista più carichi e forti che mai. La pandemia, infatti, non ha affatto scalfito la band capitanata da Giulio Capone e la bella Chiara Tricarico, al contrario l’ha maggiormente rinvigorita, portandola alla composizione del terzo lavoro in studio, “Animus”, uscito recentemente per la nostrana Scarlet Records. In occasione della prima tappa italiana prevista per questo 2022, in supporto a From The Depth e Trick Or Treat, abbiamo incontrato per voi la band. Enjoy!
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