Two different musical styles, two different attitude to music. This is the sentence that I should use if we were to sum up this event happened on 6th January 2023 at Poppodium 013 in Tilburg. Check our gallery!

HEILUNG + LILI REFRAIN @ 013 Tilburg. Two different musical styles, two different attitude to music. This is the sentence that I should use if we were to sum up this event happened on 6th January 2023 at Poppodium 013 in Tilburg. But, I’m afraid that it won’t exactly specify the extent of this magnificent event because if the Italian artist Lili Refrain has literally impressed with her one-solo show made up of reverbs and outer worldly vocals. Then, we have Heilung. Indeed, both exhibitions are they are solely to be defined as a concerts. The aptly word for define both is events.

The first one is an event whose the main character is Lili with her doom-y, and drone reverbs taken from her last album “Mana” out via Subsounds Records. While the second one is a mystical and collective frenzy of a collective where, during their performance, are re-enacted old mythical stories through ceremonials. The attempt of these photos is to re-experience these events and let the readers do the same.



Lili Refrain


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