RUBY FIELD – An Interview with the artist


RUBY FIELD – An Interview with the artist

Interview by Miriam Cadoni

RUBY FIELD - An Interview with the artist

Aussie indie singer-songwriter Ruby Fields is generating quite the interest with her debut “Been Doin’ It For A Bit ” recently released in September.

Consequently, she has caught my interest too with her fierce but brutally honest lyrics. Let’s read more about it in my interview. Enjoy!

Hi Ruby, welcome to Femme Metal Webzine. How are you? And, how these strange days are treating you?

I feel guilty in saying I’m actually doing quite well. Just moved onto a farm in the middle of nowhere in the country and it’s pretty great.

For the readers that are not familiar with you, when and how your musical journey started?

My musical journey started from listening to all the music my mum loved (Fleetwood, Guns, Queen.. all ya basics), and then developed into song writing and building guitars. I never found my place in high school and always outsourced to creative places that fostered how I was gonna turn out.

At the end of September, you’ll release your first album “Been Doin’ It for a Bit”. What can you tell me about its general production? And, additionally, when did you start to collect the first ideas for this album? 

I started writing the album in 2018 which is crazy to think about. I’ve always wanted to think about my music as something people can connect to on a super relatable level about growing up, the side effects of puberty, moving out of home.. all of that shit. So I hope my music no matter where it goes always allines with that.

How does it feel to suddenly being aware of who you are so early in your life? And how all this has impacted on you as an artist/singer-songwriter? 

I don’t think I’ll ever truly know who I am or be totally self aware but I’m definitely trying to be aware of the way I treat people and that’s going to be something I work on for the rest of my days. I think it shines in my music because instead of talking about drinking beers in the album I talk about how I’ve been a total shit head and want to rectify that.

RUBY FIELD - An Interview with the artist
RUBY FIELD – An Interview with the artist/Photo by Cole Bennetts

“Song About a Boy” is the lead-in single of your debut album. It’s quite a personal song. Which personal meaning has for you this song? 

I wrote it about a guy I really liked, a friend of mine, and it didn’t work out and it was the first time I was stoked to release something honest and slightly romantic because I loved the way the song sounded.

Unfortunately, the pandemic has abruptly stopped all the cultural activities from each artist in the world. But how this tremendous period has affected you as an artist? 

I’m not sure if I can say anything crazily different to anyone else but not being able to tour definitely forced me to realize I’m not only who I am on stage. I had to work so hard to think I’m more than the people who see me on a stage and work on being better to my family and friends and that’s definitely a great moment of reflection.. for anyone.

In the press release, you mention the word “mistakes”. To what do you refer to? And what did you learn from them? 

I think mistakes come in all forms. For me, it was getting into the music industry so young and being drunk and having all these things at my fingertips and maybe making a bad impression of myself. But at the same time I never realized that as it happened, that only comes with hindsight, but I was also very passionate and loved every person I met but I would hate to be naïve enough to believe I never hurt anyone along the way.

Despite the pandemic, what is it in the pipeline? Which is the thing that you are more looking forward? And which are your next plans? 

I’ve always loved playing piano and writing real sad stuff so hopefully the things past “Been Doin It For a Bit” reflect that and after that maybe a heavy metal record, who knows.

So, Ruby, we’re almost at the end. Please be free to say hi to your fans and listeners. Thank you so much for this interview. 

I can never be more grateful than to anyone that listens to my music. Just hope I get the chance to tour again and meet everyone.

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