Elize Ryd – Amaranthe


Interview by CriX

Amaranthe is ready to amaze us with the new brand album “Massive Addictive” that promises to be an explosion of surprises and music experiments. During Porispere festival in Finland we had the opportunity to meet the wonderful Elize Ryd and chat more about their last work and the projects for the future. Check it out!
Hey Elize, welcome to Femme Metal Webzine, it’s a pleasure for us to talk again with you!

Thank you so much, it’s a pleasure for me as well to be on Femme Metal Webzine!

Reading something on your website, I’ve read that your 3rd album will be released this fall, would you mind tell us something more about it?

We started to work on this new album not too long time ago. Always we try to make another better album than last one. It is hard for everyone to write music but if you just find something that you really want to write or something that you want to get out; like me as a singer, I felt like “I can do more with my voice, I can show more, I would like to make a song that really recognize my different like vocals”, so I got a lot of inspiration. We have also used another keyboard on the new album that gave a lot of inspiration and everything has been going really smooth, we have actually not felt like be in stuck anywhere and we just going very good. We are very satisfied with the upcoming album, I hope the listeners will be happy with the result as well because it’s the most important thing.

You’ve played for the first time in North America last year and soon you will be back for a new tour supporting Within Tempation. What can you tell us about the first Amaranthe‘s experience on tour  in the States? And what do you expect for the upcoming tour?

It was a very good experience. There were more people than I expected, of course if you go somewhere for the first time it’s hard to know if there´s gonna be like 20 or 400 people, but we had lots of people which of course is the reason why we have the opportunity to be back there again. This time with Within Temptation which I like a lot, with a women in the band so I’m very glad, it’s great because the spirit is differnt from when there are only guys. I’m pretty sure that there will be lots of people but the thing that we don’t know is if the audiance will be more for us or for Within Temptation.

You had a year full of festivals and concerts all around Europe, but if you have to choose one as the most impressive, which one would it be and why?

Oh my God, very difficult question! I don’t know if I might be a little bit weird person but if I play in a festival and I’ve a great experience I don’t remember it, it’s just because I pay much attention to the people how the atmosphere to the audience is and then it is the only thing I remember. When I’m travelling so much is hard to keep on. I remember we played for the first time in American Beauty Car Show in Tallin this year and I can say that it was very impressive, I wish I could do that concert again. We played also in HojRock in Västervik, it was very surprising for me, a big festival by the sea and that was a very nice one. Also this one Porispere was awesome. It was a different thing at the start when we did small festivals. I try to see the positives things in every festival.

Talking about your music-videos, I must say that I really love them. I know that the director is Patric Ulleaus, you both together created really great works, but how a video is shot?

It’s mostly the band that start to talking how wants the video, to look like or what would like to have in the video, I mean it’s like creating, it’s a chance to dream a little bit. We like fire and different things, we try to put all together and try to find a theme. We don’t see any limits, we only see solutions and it is why we are able to do extreme things in our videos. And also thanks to the people that has been supporting.

What’s your schedule for the future, after the release of this upcoming brand new album and the US tour?

After the tour in North America we will go to Mexico, then to Japan for the Loudpark Festival and there we will be doing press for like 4-5 day. After it we will back to the U.S. I think at the least our plans if we can make it, it all about money and time. We also have gigs in Russia on December. Then we will start to planning for the next year.

Your career is so rich of experience, but I just want to know: when did you start to take the first steps in music?

I started when I was pretty young, I was 12 when I played for the first time a role in a musical, it was summer but actually I don’t remember if I was 13 or 14. Then when I went to school I had a talent show competition, it was a good experience to being on stage but most of all I learnt from my education on school, a musical artist education, where I learnt most about stage, performance, and after that I got a job in a cabaret so I was working as dancer and singer in a show, we had 3 or 5 shows in a week. I learnt a lot, I feel me at home on the stage, it’s natural for me. I have to say also that my mum put me on stage when I was 4 years old for the very first time, me and my sister were singing something in the church.

We are at the end of this interview, thank you so much for your time. Would you like to say something to your fans out there?

Thank you for your time to reading this interview. Remember always to follow your dreams and thank you for supporting us.


Photo Credit

Photos by Patric Ullaeus and John McMurtrie


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