Jill Janus – Huntress

Interview by Tony Cannella Lately in the press there has been some concern as to whether Huntress would continue. Recently I had a chance to interview the incomparable Jill Janus,…
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Lacey Sturm – “Life Screams” (2016)

Label: Followspot Records Review by Tony Cannella Since her departure from Flyleaf (after 10-years and 3-albums), Lacey Sturm has done a number of guest appearances with other artists and even…
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Roberto Potenti & Ashley – Skylark

Interview by Miriam C. Don’t be afraid if this interview, at first sight, would look long and redundant but believe me, in Femme Metal Webzine‘s tradition, we always have tried…
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Anna Murphy – Nucleus Torn

Interview by Miriam C. Since 1997, Switzerland’s Nucleus Torn is one of the best kept secret in the metal panorama and it seldom happens to have chance to chat with…
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Kari Rueslåtten

Interview by Miriam C. Interviewing Kari Rueslåtten for me feels like talking with an old friend because when I read her words, taking trip down memory, in my mind pops…
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