Motor Sister – “Ride” (2015)

Label: Metal Blade Review by Tony Cannella Motor Sister is an all-star musical project that pays homage to Mother Superior a Los Angeles based hard rock band that existed from…
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  Interview by Alessandra Cognetta Eivør Pálsdóttir is a singer songwriter from the Faroe Islands. With her incredible voice, she has created music in a huge variety of genres, always…
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Eteddian – “Illusions” EP (2013)

Independent Release Review by Tony Cannella If Italy is the epicenter for female fronted metal, than Spain isn’t far behind. Another talented female fronted band to emerge from Spain is…
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Carmen Elise Espenæs – SAVN

Interview by Arianna G. In a busy environment which is the current metal scene, SAVN is the revelation band of 2014. Norwegian and dedicated to the gothic and folk melodies…
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