Lauren Hart – Once Human

Interview by Tony Cannella With their sophomore release “Evolution”, extreme metallers Once Human returns with an album that is just great from beginning to end. Taking nothing away from their…
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Austra – “Future Politics” (2017)

Label: Domino Records Review by Warren Mayocchi With “future” and “politics” in the album title and an electronic music style, the theme of the latest album from Austra could have…
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Emmanuelle Zoldan – Sirenia

Interview by Alessandra Cognetta “Dim Days of Dolor” is Sirenia’s latest effort and their first album with long-time collaborator Emmanuelle Zoldan as lead vocalist on the whole record. We had…
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Faith Coloccia – Mamiffer

Interview by Miriam C. I candidly admit that often I have serious issues in creating some real introductions for my interviews because I’ve learnt that music has to be enjoyed…
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