Lacey Sturm – “Life Screams” (2016)

Label: Followspot Records Review by Tony Cannella Since her departure from Flyleaf (after 10-years and 3-albums), Lacey Sturm has done a number of guest appearances with other artists and even…
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Charlotte Wessels – Delain

Interview by Tony Cannella With the release of their new EP, “Lunar Prelude”, Dutch Symphonic metallers Delain are back out blazing a trail across North America with Nightwish and Sonata…
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Night Viper – “Night Viper” (2015)

Label: Svart Records Review by Tony Cannella Hailing from Gothenburg, Sweden, Night Viper is a powerful metal band. Earlier in 2015 they released their debut single and now have unleashed…
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Nina Osagueda – A Sound of Thunder

Interview by Tony Cannella With their latest album, “Tales From the Deadside”, the Washington, D.C. metal outfit have brought things to a whole new level.  The album features some stellar…
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Chastain – “We Bleed Metal” (2015)

Label: Leviathan Records/Pure Steel Records Review by Tony Cannella “We Bleed Metal” is the none too subtle title of the new Chastain record and it could not be more appropriate.…
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