Label : Napalm Records Review By Erwin Van Dijk “Njord” is the new album from Leaves’Eyes, one of the most successful female fronted bands in Europe. In short, Leaves’ Eyes…
Label : Stygian Crypt Productions Review by Tony Cannella From Russia, the band Fferyllt was born in 2003, but did not release their full-length debut “Dance of Druids” until 2009.…
Independent Release Review By Tony Cannella Fenrir are a Celtic influenced Folk-Metal band from France. In 2007 they released their debut effort, “Whispers of the Old World” and now they have…
Independent Release Review by Tony Cannella A lot of really good bands are coming from Italy these days. Ethereal Faun is another such band. They play an eclectic mixture of…
Label : Napalm Records Review by Erwin van Dijk Arkona is a pagan metal band from Russia. The band is named after the temple fortress of Arkona, on the island…