SAEKO- Empower the resilient and beautiful warrior

Heavy metal singer Saeko has faced countless challenges throughout her career, and if you ask me, she’s one of the most resilient people I’ve ever known. In celebration of her second Kickstarter project (LINK HERE), we had an in-depth conversation about her latest album Holy Are We Alone (我等独尊), the profound impact of the COVID pandemic on her work, her time with the power metal band Fairy Mirror, and her triumphant return after overcoming serious health issues.
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Unleash the Archer Promo Photo Credit Shimon Karmel

UNLEASH THE ARCHERS – Founding a new digital unknown

Canada’s Unleash the Archers has returned with one of the standout releases of the year. Even our reviewer Tony was captivated by “Phantoma”, describing it as “a testament to the band’s consistent quality and growth”. Join us as we dive into their latest full-length album with lead vocalist Brittany Slayes.
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