IMPERIAL AGE – New Live concert announced!

This Boxing Day, 26th December, the Russian Symphonic Metal superpower IMPERIAL AGE are rallying their vast worldwide fanbase for a colossal live show – presenting songs from the upcoming album “New World”, remembering the old hits, and giving everyone a taste of whats coming for the New World Tour – which kicks off on 07 January 2022 in Paris.
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DANCE WITH DRAGONS – Interview with the band

Once upon a time the concerts and the post-concerts where you could meet freely the bands for a small chat. And it was in one of this occasions that back then I had the chance to meet the Dutch symphonic metal Dance with Dragons.
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DISCONNETTED SOULS – An Interview with Holly Royle

Chestershire-based band Disconnected Souls is ready to break boundaries and discover new unknown musical paths. Inspired by numerous genres and efficiently mixing progressive metal, djent and melodic, the band is celebrate 1-year anniversary of their debut EP “Warring Elements”. Indeed, whose debut is getting re-released in limited edition on CD on BandCamp. For learn more about it, we had a chat with the singer Holly Royle. Enjoy!
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