November-7 – “Season 3” (2011)

Label : Daily Rock Records Review by Tony Cannella After releasing two EPs, the Modern Gothic Metal band November-7 has issued their full-length debut, “Season 3”. November-7 is another fine…
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EarlyRise – “What If” (2011)

Independent Release Review by Tony Cannella On their debut album, Israel’s EarlyRise demonstrate a definite accessibility factor to go along with their hard edged, hard rock approach. I would never…
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Clandestine – “The Invalid” (2011)

Label : Nightmare Records Review by Tony Cannella From Los Angeles, California comes the band Clandestine. They combine elements of metal, alternative and modern rock sounds with electronic and prog…
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Amantyde – “Mädchen” (2011)

Independent Release Review by Tony Cannella From Italy, Amantyde were formed in 2006 and plays melodic yet still aggressive, riff heavy ‘modern’ metal. On their new album “Mädchen”, Amantyde deliver…
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