Label : Irond Records Review by Tony Cannella Andem come from Moscow, Russia and they play a solid, up-tempo brand of power metal. Their strong debut “Pendulum of Life” was…
Label : Thundering Records Review by Tony Cannella Akroma are a melodic Black Metal band from France. They have just released their second album titled, “Seth”. Musically, Akroma‘s style is…
Label : Shinto Records Review by Mortuai Try as I might to be impartial, I find myself slightly biased about “Poet”, the debut release from Pennsylvania native Tiffany Apan. On…
Label : E-Wave Records/Drakkar Records Review by Tony Cannella To say that Germany’s Qntal are a difficult band to describe is an understatement to say the least. The band have…
Label : Drakkar Records Review by Tony Cannella The German band Xandria have -to date – released four studio albums that are very well regarded in the metal community. Now…